Dragonflies in Your Backyard

 Dragonflies are fascinating insects that are often found in gardens. They are one of the oldest species of insects still roaming the earth, and you’ll often see them buzzing by garden ponds, fountains, or natural waterways. They’re stunning to watch as they fly back and forth on their daily business, and that’s likely due to their almost insatiable appetite. Besides their graceful beauty, dragonflies are great in the garden as they effectively control the population of other flying insects, such as mosquitoes and flies.

Dragonflies are harmless to people and have been welcomed into gardens for centuries. They are excellent fly and mosquito hunters and their agile and powerful wings and exceptional vision allow them to catch small flying prey with ease. Dragonflies are also a great indication of good air quality, as they cannot withstand polluted air and for this reason, it is rarer to see dragonflies in dense cities or urban environments. If you have an abundance of dragonflies living in your garden, you’re likely breathing the best air quality possible.

With their high carnivorous appetite, dragonflies are also a great way to cull spider colonies. Small spiders are easy prey for the agile and speedy dragonfly. A dragonfly’s powerful wings can also cut through spiderwebs in its wake.

Dragonflies actually start their lives as larvae living in ponds or waterways. The female will lay eggs in damp areas or in mud and the baby dragonflies (called ‘Nymphs’) hatch a few weeks later. Dragonfly nymphs live underwater for up to two years before emerging from the water as adults.

If you want to attract dragonflies to your garden, there are several things you can do. First, install a pond or marsh area. Dragonflies love water, so having a water feature in your garden is a great way to attract them. Large rocks for sunbathing can also be added around the pond area. Dragonflies love to bask in the sun after a long day of hunting.

Another way to attract dragonflies is by installing perches and stakes around your garden. Dragonflies need places to rest between flights, so adding perches will give them a place to land and rest.

Good air quality is essential for attracting dragonflies. Avoid installing bug zappers or using insecticides as these can harm dragonflies and other beneficial insects. Instead, opt for natural pest control methods such as companion planting or using organic pesticides.

Finally, consider planting flowers that dragonflies adore such as Dwarf Sagittaria, Swamp Milkweed, Black-Eyed Susan, Meadow Sage, Water Lily, Lotus Flower.

In conclusion, dragonflies are not only beautiful but also beneficial insects that can help keep your garden healthy and pest-free. By providing them with the right environment and food sources, you can attract these amazing creatures to your garden while also promoting a healthy ecosystem.


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